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Student Personal Item Retrieval

The following was shared by email with all parents on Friday.  

We hope all is well with our St. Peter families and that the students of St. Peter are healthy and safe.  As we departed before March Break St. Peter Staff attempted to have all of your children’s personal belongings sent home with them.  There may still be some things that you or your child want now that we know we are not returning to our physical school this year. We have been provided clearance by the Brant County Health Unit to gather your children’s belongings in order for you to be able to pick them up.  Classroom teachers will be in the building early next week to gather your child’s belongings and put them in a labelled bag.  If there are any specific items you can think of that you want retrieved for your child, please communicate via email with your child’s classroom teacher on or before Tuesday, June 2.  Please also confirm with your child’s classroom teacher that you plan on coming to retrieve items so that we can anticipate your arrival.

You will be able to retrieve your child’s belonging on Wednesday, June 3.  Please use the following times to ensure that we follow the proper distancing measures and to make for an easy pick up at the school.

If your last name ends in…

Your pickup time window is…

A - G

9:30 – 10:30

H – M

10:30 – 11:30

N - R

11:30 – 12:30

S - Z

12:30 – 1:30


Should these times not work, please let Mr. Skrzypek ( now so that alternate arrangements can be made.

Pick ups will be at the front door of St. Peter.  We are not expecting you to have to enter the school or portables. Mr. Skrzypek will be there to hand you the bag(s) of items for your child.  If you do not think your child left anything behind, you do not need to come.  Lost and found items will also be displayed should there be anything your child misplaced but was not in the classroom.

Lastly, should you have any items to return to the school, we would appreciate it. Specifically, we are requesting all library books, textbooks, and home reads (for Primary students) to be returned on Wednesday, June 3 as well.

Thank you for your attention to this.

God Bless,