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A moving speech at the city's Remembrance Day Service


November 11th, Remembrance Day, is the day Canadians remember the brave men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace; specifically, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and all conflicts since then in which members of the Canadian Forces  have participated to give us, and others, freedom.

I have not sacrificed anything for my freedom. It was given to me, by those who came before me and sacrificed so much. So now, it is my responsibility to never forget the service and the sacrifices of more than one and a half million Canadian soldiers, sailors, aircrew and merchant seaman.

They died so I could have the freedom to stand here, and give this speech. So I can get an education. Get a job. Live a free life. I am forever in their debt.

I will remember the sacrifices of everyone;

  • The doctors and nurses who tended to the wounded;
  •  The parents who watched their children fight things that they couldn’t protect them from;
  • The children who were too young to understand why their moms and dads wouldn’t be home for Christmas;
  • The teen boys, who were shipped off to fight before they even got a chance at adulthood;
  • Or the kids who had to grow up too soon so they could take care of their families in the middle of the war.

Because they lost so much…and because they gave everything, I thank them. I will always remember.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we stand here in peace and safety, we pay our respects to all of the fallen, all of the wounded and all who served in conflicts over the last 100 years. Today, as we should every day, we remember those who volunteered, sacrificed, served, fought, and died, for our freedom. We thank you, and we salute you as we salute those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We will never forget. We will remember you.